Halal Advisor

Halal Food in Aldi Australia | What products are Halal?

Statement from Aldi Australia about their Halal Certification

Halal certification is a voluntary certification that is undertaken by a food manufacturer. Some suppliers may choose to obtain this certification of their own accord. However, this is not done at the request of ALDI Australia.

The company respects the choices made by its suppliers to obtain Halal certification and acknowledges the importance of catering to the diverse needs of its customers. For Muslim consumers, this certification provides the assurance that the products they purchase comply with their religious beliefs and practices.

Among the Halal certified products available at Aldi Australia are several items from their Farmwood range. These products have been confirmed to carry the Halal certification and have been verified by AFIC Australia (Australian Federation of Islamic Councils). The Farmwood range offers a variety of chicken-based products, including T-Rex Bites, Southern Style Tenders, Chicken Chippies, Chicken Nuggets, and more. This diverse selection ensures that Muslim customers can find convenient and delicious options for their dietary preferences.

The Following Aldi Farmwood Suppliers Are Halal Certified and confirmed with AFIC Australia

The following products are confirmed to be Halal Certified.

In conclusion, Aldi Australia’s acknowledgment of Halal certification and the availability of Halal certified products in their stores exemplify their commitment to catering to the diverse needs of their customers. It is a positive step towards inclusivity, allowing Muslim consumers to shop with confidence and providing a platform for cultural exchange and understanding. As consumers, embracing such initiatives can contribute to a more harmonious and unified society that celebrates its rich tapestry of cultures and traditions.
